Punct in cruce este o forma populara de brodat, in forma de X. Punct in cruce este una dintre cele mai vechi forme de broderie intalnita peste tot in lume. Multe exemple de imbracaminte decorate cu metoda punct in cruce se gasesc mai ales in muzeele populare din Europa continentală si
In Statele Unite primele forme de punct in cruce aparute prin 1653, sunt adapostite de Pilgrim Hall in
In mod traditional punctual in cruce a fost folosit pentru infrumusetearea costumelor populare si a impodobirii locuintei.
Astazi acesta forma a broderiei este folosit in numeroase aplicatii. Dupa cum vedeti eu o folosesc la realizarea martisoarelor.
Cross Stitch
Cross-stitch is a popular form of counted-thread embroidery in which X-shaped stitches in a tiled, raster-likeaida cloth. The stitcher counts the threads in each direction so that the stitches are of uniform size and appearance. This form of cross-stitch is also called counted cross-stitch in order to distinguish it from other forms of cross-stitch. Sometimes cross-stitch is done on designs printed on the fabric (stamped cross-stitch); the stitcher simply stitches over the printed pattern. pattern are used to form a picture. Cross-stitch is usually executed on easily countable evenweave fabric called
ross-stitch is one of the oldest forms of embroidery and can be found all over the world.Many folk museums show examples of clothing decorated with cross-stitch, especially from continental Europe and
Two-dimensional (unshaded) cross-stitch in floral and geometric patterns, usually worked in black and red cotton floss on linen, is characteristic of folk embroidery in Eastern and
In the
Multicolored, shaded, painting-like patterns as we know them today are a recent development, deriving from similar shaded patterns of Berlin wool work of the mid-nineteenth century.
Traditionally, cross-stitch was used to embellish items like dishcloths, household linens, and doilies (only a small portion of which would actually be embroidered, such as a border). Although there are many cross-stitchers who still employ it in this fashion, especially in
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