luni, 14 ianuarie 2013

Quilling Earrings - "Spring Flowers" Collection

Mi-e dor de primavara. Da! M-am saturat de frig si de iarna, astept sa vina primavara. Astfel cu gandul la iarba verde, floricele, vreme buna, am creat acesti cercelusi.
Cerceii sunt creati din hartie de 3 mm, sunt lacuiti ( cu Vernis) pentru a le spori rezistenta si sunt foarte usori. 

I miss Spring. Yes! I'm tired of cold weather, so I'm thinking of green grass, flowers, good weather.
For these earrings I used 3 mm paper stripes
. They are lightweight and carefully coated with multiple layers to seal them from water and make them as durable as possible.

2 comentarii:

  1. Wow.very beautiful earrings.
    blue ones are really it.
    thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you Fatimah! I am really glad that you like my little creations!
